Thursday, January 29, 2009

StAtE cUp

heY Hawks!! We DiD great laSt weEkend At ouR hAkWs touRnament. THis wEeKend we have state cuP so We cant PARTAY 2 hard on frIday!!!!!! we hAvE 2 gAmes on sATurday and 1 oN suNday!!!!!!! we neeD 2 wiNN thiS weekeND so we cAn move on 2 next weEkEND anD thEn MauRi will B able 2 Play wITh uS!!!wooohhhooo!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


k. on saturday we have a bonding at adisons house from 6-9. we are gonna make the tie blankets and we each need to bring blankets and scissors. on saturday mornin we are gonna play foot tennis. starts at 10. i am not goin though. haha well that all i know for now so BYE BYE WORLD!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


did u guyz know that coach carlos is playing in a soccer tournament this weekend? thats y we dont have practice on saturday this week. he is going 2 play in a tournament and he wants us 2 watch him. sooooooo...this is borin...POST STUFFFFFF people!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

soccer tennis!

that was pretty fun! my hands got dirty but oh well! i like playing the full court!!!we should do that again! anyway we have practice on Monday right? are you guys ready for state cup??? we are playing our rival team Barcelona!!!blah......ya we need to win so we could go on for next week and that will be taken at birdsall our home field so that would be cool :)

Friday, January 9, 2009

soccer tennis

Don't forget soccer tennis is tomorrow at 11:00.